Josh Coles-Riley

Job title Research Associate
Organisation Wales Centre for Public Policy
Contact email

Josh Coles-Riley is a Research Associate at the Wales Centre for Public Policy, working across the Centre’s three priority areas of community wellbeing, tackling inequalities, and the environment and net zero.

Recent projects he has worked on at the Centre include:

  • Ongoing research to support public services to understand and address poverty-related stigma
  • An international evidence review on the nature and causes of loneliness inequalities
  • An internal project to explore and develop how we draw on lived experience evidence and expertise in our work
  • Research and evidence summaries to support the work of the Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group

Josh’s background is in participatory research and evaluation, service design and evidence use in third sector and community services, with particular interests in coproduction, community development, participatory methods and deliberative democracy.
